Protecting Your Pets: Sunshine and Safety Tips

The sun's harmful rays aren't just a human concern. Here, we delve into the vulnerabilities of our furry friends and outline what you can do.

The sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays aren't just a human concern – our pets can also feel the burn after spending too much time in the summer sun. And let's face it, that time is shorter than we think! We must extend the same care to our beloved pets as we do when diligently protecting our skin.

The Vulnerability of White-Coated Pets

Extra vigilance is critical if you have a cat or dog with a white coat. Lighter-coated pets are more susceptible to sunburn, which, like humans, can lead to skin cancer. The nose and ears of these pets are particularly at risk. And don't be fooled into thinking that the sun's rays won't penetrate their fur, too.

Tips for Preventing Sunburn

Pet-Formulated Sunscreen:

A pet-formulated, non-toxic sunscreen for our more vulnerable furry friends is essential. Ensure you spot-test all creams on a small patch of skin to rule out allergic reactions. Never use human sunscreen, as the chemical ingredients can be toxic to pets.

Avoid Peak Sun Hours:

Steer clear of the hottest parts of the day. Schedule walks and playtime in the morning or later evenings when the sun's intensity lessens.

Chase the Shade:

Opt for leafy parks or bush walks on hot days, and if you're hitting the beach, bring an umbrella along for extra shade. If your pets are outdoor enthusiasts, ensure they have plenty of shaded spots to retreat and chill out.

Burnt Paws and Vigilance at Black Sand Beaches:

Paw Protection:

Don't forget about your pet's paws! On scorching days, pavements and sand can become unbearably hot. If the pavement is too hot for your bare feet, it's too hot for theirs.

Vigilance at Black Sand Beaches:

Black sand beaches can absorb and retain more heat than other types of sand. Be extra cautious, as the surface can become scorching. Test the sand with your hand – if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your pet.

Signs Your Pet is Burnt:

Watch out for subtle signals that your pet may have received too much sun:

Red or Inflamed Skin:

Look for red or inflamed skin, particularly on areas with less fur coverage; this could be an early sign of sunburn.

Excessive Panting:

If your pet is panting more than usual, it might be their way of telling you they're feeling the heat. Excessive panting can be a sign of discomfort.

Avoiding Touch:

Pets may become touch-sensitive if they're experiencing pain from sunburn. If your otherwise affectionate pet avoids your touch, investigate for potential sun damage.

What to Do if Your Pet Gets Burnt:

If, despite your best efforts, your pet gets a little too much sun, here's what to do:

Cool and Shady to Retreat:

Immediately move your pet to a cooler, shady spot and give them plenty of water. Allow them to relax and cool down.

Consult Your Vet:

If you're concerned about their pain level or notice any damage to their skin, consult your vet. They can recommend topical creams that support the healing process.

Remember, a happy and healthy pet is a sun-safe pet! You can ensure your furry companions enjoy the sunshine without feeling the burn if you follow these simple measures.

Is your pet covered?

Contact our experts today and discover how you can protect your companion. Alternatively, you can visit our plans page to find out more about the details of the plans we offer.