Tips to Groom Your Cat Successfully

Cat owners might think their furry pets take care of their own cleaning. However, all cats can benefit from their pet parent giving them a good grooming.
A guide to grooming your cat
Cats are generally considered to be pretty self-sufficient. To achieve this, they regularly indulge in a thorough grooming session and will make sure their nails stay in tip-top shape by scratching at a favourite piece of furniture – or, preferably, a well-placed scratching pole.
This doesn’t take away the fact that you should be keeping an eye on your kitty and taking the opportunity to groom them yourself. In fact, for some breeds grooming is essential to help prevent hairballs and tangles, which can cause issues further down the track. So, what is the best way to groom a cat?
Use the right tools
Choose a brush or comb that’s appropriate for your cat’s fur type and length. Just like with humans, the right brush can make the world of difference in removing tangles, adding a bit of shine and keeping your cat generally comfortable. You could also try a grooming glove to make the experience as much like a good petting session as possible. If in doubt, start with a softer brush and work your way up.
Bath time
While self-grooming and brushing will usually be sufficient to keep your kitty clean, there may be times when a bath is in order.
When it comes to bath time make sure you use a cat-friendly shampoo, warm (not hot) water, avoid getting their face wet and have everything you need close at hand. As well as a tub to wash your cat in, it’s useful to have a jug handy with water for rinsing the shampoo out. Once your cat is clean, dry them as much as possible with a towel, then leave them to dry completely in a warm, draft-free room (for more info, you could check out this blog post from April 2018 - https://www.petnsur.co.nz/how-to-survive-giving-yo...)
Nail trimming
No doubt you’re very aware of just how sharp your kitty’s nails can get and have seen them give themselves a pedicure using your couch or curtain as a scratching post.
Before you bring out the nail clippers it’s a good idea to get your cat used to having their paws touched and held. Once they’re comfortable with that, use a special nail trimmer to cut just the tip of each nail, coming in from the side rather than the top. Be careful you don’t cut off too much and accidentally hit the quick, which has nerve endings and blood vessels. And don’t forget the dewclaws on their front legs.
Build up session length
Don’t make the first grooming session a long one. Start them short and spend a little bit more time brushing them each grooming session. You may find that you only have time to focus on one area of their body at a time – like their back, or their legs. And don’t force your cat to stay for longer than they want. If they’re getting restless or are trying to get away stop the session and give it another go at a later time.
If you’re able to start when your cat is still young, grooming can become a great way for you to spend quality time with your cat, check up on their general health and keep them in great shape throughout their life.