Best cats for allergy sufferers

If you love cats but suffer from allergies there may be hope! There are cat breeds less likely to trigger a reaction that may be perfect for you...
Some people who love cats can’t keep one because they’re allergic. The good news is there are some breeds that might be a good fit.
Having a pet can be incredibly rewarding. Having something love you unconditionally, who is excited to have you home, and who curls up on your lap is a great feeling. Unless you suffer from allergies that is.
Thankfully, there are some options for those of us who suffer from cat allergies. But first, it’s helpful to understand what causes an allergic reaction to cats in humans.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the cat hair itself that causes allergies. Rather it’s the Fel D1 protein secreted through their saliva, which is then spread onto their coat, that’s to blame. This protein sticks to dander (dead skin cells and loose fur), which then triggers an allergic reaction in people.
So, what makes a cat hypoallergenic isn’t so much how much fur they have, but rather how likely it is the Fel D1 protein is shed around your house. Below we list some of the least allergy-inducing cat breeds.
The Sphynx
This is one of the cats most commonly associated with being hypoallergenic due to its hair – or, in this case, lack of it. As Sphynx cats have no hair to shed, the allergens stay on their skin, rather than being spread around the house.
The Javanese
These cats have a medium to long single coat, rather than the double coat of most household cats. This means they shed less, so there’s less opportunity for allergens to be distributed throughout the house.
As a long-haired cat, these felines aren’t often associated with being allergen friendly. But, despite their luxurious coat, what makes these a contender is due to them producing less of the Fel D1 protein.
They’re not the only long-haired kitty with this handy trait. If a Balinese isn’t quite your cup of tea, the Siberian is another cat that has lower levels of the Fel D1 protein, while still having a beautiful long coat.
The Russian Blue
A striking-looking cat with its steel-grey coat, this is an excellent choice if you want a slightly shorter-haired cat but not one that’s hairless like the Sphynx, for example. While the Russian Blue is a double-coated cat, it again has a lower level of the protein that causes allergies, so it’s a good contender if you have low-level allergies.
Whatever cat you get, whether no-hair, short-haired or long-haired, it’s still important that you brush or bathe them regularly, keep their bedding clean, and keep your house reasonably clean too to avoid allergies and potential reactions.
No cat is completely hypoallergenic, so restricting how much dander is left around your house can help prevent an allergic reaction.